Train Station

Another photo taken at the train station during a recent walk around Kuala Lumpur. I have not been taking a lot of photos in the last couple of months, in fact in the last one year or so. I am trying to reignite my passion for photography. It gives me a lot of calmness and help me to exercise. It’s not that I don’t have enough exercise at this point of time.I am trying to reignite my passion for photography. It gives me a lot of calmness and help me to exercise. It’s not that I don’t have enough exercise at this point of time.
The photo above is just a section of Kuala Lumpur train station that shows the all architecture. As per my previous post, I wish that the station revitalised.

I wonder if I can shoot more and post more on this blog. This require a lot of commitment, but I guess if I put my heart and soul to it, I can do it. In fact, I should also shoot at night after work. Walking around Kuala Lumpur at night after work maybe a good change to the rather exhausting post work syndrome. I should try next week and see if I can make it not easy, but I just need to try.

that’s all for today.

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