Struggling to Reignite My Passion for Photography

Lately, I’ve been grappling with reigniting my passion for photography. There was a time when weekends thrilled me because they meant endless hours of shooting. From dawn until late at night, I was out with my camera, often repeating the routine on Sunday. A big part of that excitement came from my photography community, particularly through the PhotoMalaysia forum. Though the forum is now defunct, I’ve maintained friendships with fellow photographers. However, our once-frequent group outings have dwindled, and I often skip the few that still occur.

Investment Continues

Despite my diminished enthusiasm, my investment in photography gear hasn’t stopped. Ironically, my camera equipment now serves more as doorstops, collecting dust in my dry cabinet. Recently, I even upgraded to a larger cabinet to accommodate my growing collection of unused gear.

Throwback Processes

I find some joy in revisiting and reprocessing my old photos, giving them new life through editing. Yet, I know that true passion for photography goes beyond editing—it involves capturing new images. My attempts to rekindle my love for the craft by merely tweaking old photos feel inadequate.


In an effort to reignite my passion, I’ve spent the past two weekends shooting again. I’ve combined my daily walks with shooting walks, which, although less intense, allow me to observe more. Unlike before, I don’t shoot everything in sight; I’m more selective now. Watching videos and looking at photos from inspiring photographers worldwide might also help me overcome this creative block. I hope these steps will help reignite the spark I once had for photography.

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