We are now in Pandemic.
Many years from now, when I read this post, it will remind me how much life has changed. COVID-19 is a virus allegedly started from China and now has spread across to all corners of the world.
Am I scared?
To be honest, I am scared of the virus. I will be lying if I say that I am not frightened of it. Looking at the different videos on the internet on how the patients are suffering from the disease. It is definitely scary. The thought of losing the ability to breathe is alarming. In addition to that, we may contract the virus even though you are doing the right things. Stupidity roams very in every corner of the world, the difference is to what degree it is.
The success of evading this virus does not just depend on the world and the Government(country). But it is the responsibility of each and every person to ensure that the virus gets eliminated. One thing that I noticed, the Community where I am staying now has definitely strengthened. Though we are not able to meet, the Facebook group is far more active now – and it helps to remind each other on what we can and cannot do.
I can never be more proud of being a Malaysian now, knowing that our Ministry of Health is doing their level best to handle the situations. Of course, there are sporadic incidents across the other ministries who announced initiatives that are either outright stupid (hint hint.. Doraemon) or dangerous. I am glad, they are sane enough to retract that – if not the Rakyat themselves decided that they want to do what is right. For example, the announcement that the hair salons and barbershop can open their shop. In response to that, the business associations made an announcement that they are not supportive of the idea because such business practice poses a high risk given the close contact to the customers. There’s no robot haircut machine… yet!
Work continues to be hectic – especially during this time of crisis. Given that I am in the Financial Services industry, we are at the core of the economy. As such, we will need to do our part to ensure that the economy keeps on running despite the global threat of COVID-19.
I have a letter that will allow me to go to the office. Still, I have decided to continue to work from home unless absolutely necessary. During the initial weeks, I continue to go to the office, but lately – I’ve been staying put at home as I can continue to do my work at home. The only issue is that working at home means that I am perpetually working. Working till late night is becoming a norm now! Comparatively to what I am used to. I hope that things can stabilise and I can go back and do regular hours.
Health and Diet
Well – the beauty of working from home is that I can control anything and everything that I consume. I no longer needed to eat out or Grab. In fact – I think in the past 4 weeks, I’ve only ordered from Grab 2 times. Once for roast chicken from Ayamas and another for Ramdon (from the movie Parasite)!
Workout wise, I subscribed to Freeletics for 3 months. This gives me access to a HIIT-based workout program. Some days are tough, others are ok. In fact, so far it has been quite good. Been losing some weight, which is good, but it’s slower than my usual routine because the workout at home can’t be as intense as in the gym. Never mind, I’ll make do with what I have! In fact, there are some days where I ran from my living room to my bedroom. Just to get that cardio mileage! Amazing.
In summary – this will be the new norm. Honestly, I don’t feel restricted and have gotten used to being living in MCO. I am still sane so far, and we have 2 more weeks to go. God bless Malaysia and Humanity. We will survive this ordeal!