On Sunday – I went out for a walk. After a heavy brunch and Sangeetha, needed to walk off all the calories. Thank god I brought out my camera Its one of those rare Sunday afternoon that I took my camera out. Partly due to the fact that I wanted to shoot more photos. I have not been using my camera much, thus bringing it out will push me to use it more often, rather than keeping in on my table (not even in a drybox, since my drybox died!).
The following photo above is the Malaysian Flatiron, located not far from Petaling Street (Chinatown), few steps away from Pasar Karat. No idea what the significance of Pasar Karat though. Perhaps I need to do a bit more research.
The photo below is the original Flatiron. Shoot this photo back in 2008 – when I went to New York for a holiday. One of those days that I took 3 weeks off to spend hell a lot of money and ate hell a lot of food!
Obviously – not so the same, but almost the same I guess given how small is the Malaysian Flatiron, the narrowest corner is definitely not usable