I was not a very smart kid. But for what ever reason – I managed to get a very good results for my SRP (Form 3 national exam). I achieved a full distinction and hence I was then offered to go to MRSM Taiping – or MARA Junior Science College to complete my Form 4 and Form 5.
MRSM Taiping is on a special education track. Never had I imagined I would be able to go to such school as I was one of those kid that was never smart. In the school I met some of the most coolest, smartest kid. Most of them ended up to be somebody 🙂
Following is the collection that never seen before. Its pretty awesome 🙂

Koperasi boys..

Relaxing in the room

Style bro!

In class..

Me and Huzairi. He is now a high ranking officer in MOF.

Tug of war. Was already an achor even at a very young age!

In Jasin…


Me and Aziz.

Ha ha.. another one in the room..

And more photos in class



One of those stupid thing we do in school

Me with Wira. I can’t remember the other person. At very young age, the tummy already so

Learning biology during holiday.

Not sure why I have this photo..

And us..

Relaxing.. never had bean bag before

More of us..

This were our dorm.

In Kuala Terengganu for Dramafest..

All of us…


In our class

Usahahawan camp in Jasin


Kuala Terengganu. That was a looooong drive..

Syahril, Ikram, Jai, Syed and Me.

Me and Suharizal. One of the most inspiring person I know. He has an artificial leg. Even at a very young age – he is very strong and smart.

Style weih..

Home room. Probably one of the few that I have.

Dramafest in Kota Bahru or Kuala Terengganu

CHeckout my makeup

I think this is the “Tunas Saintis” or Junior Scientist in Muar.

Man – this is the shit that we do at night!

Yet again..

Me and Jaz.

Razif, me and Jaws..

Cikgu Marsuria – 505 class teacher

more of 505

Hahahaha back of the classroom

Our night time activities!

In Malacca for the enterpreneur camp.


And this is the room. See that Sofea Jane! Just bumped into her like last week. She still looks the same! Hot mama..

In Muar…

In our class..

Our reunion after 1 year…


So i was strong then.. and now..

Longkang also can..

Sports day!

More in our class..

Boys from Zamrud..

Homeroom folks..


Ok – that looked pretty gay!