St Charles/Q Center

Asked any “seasoned” Accenture folks, they would know or heard about St Charles. Back in the old days – every Accenture folks (or Andersen Consulting then) are required to travel to St Charles in Chicago to attend their central training. In the past couple of years – the central training has been distributed across the globe as part of reducing the cost.

I myself was lucky to be able to attend central training almost once a year. I remember the first time I attended, that was back in 1999 – roughly about 3 weeks after I started work. That was pretty hard as I just got into the workforce, no credit card no nothing. Now is definitely a lot easier. Not that I needed to spend money in St Charles, everything is paid for including food.

One of the best thing about St Charles is the fact that it’s really pretty. You can see the photo below – the trees that surrounds the compound.

Nice walkways

In addition to that, they do have a fully equipped gym! I remember back in the old days where there weren’t that my gym available in Malaysia. Having to go to gym at 5am was something that is new to Malaysian like me! Now its pretty normal to see gyms tobe packed.


And of course – the wonderful fireplace – that keeps me warm while working 🙂


2 thoughts on “St Charles/Q Center

  1. adistar97 says:

    Hi Mohammad! I loved your post. Very nostalgic. I’m curious: were these photos taken in back in 1999, when St. Charles was still operational? 🙂

    1. mohamadfazli says:

      Hi! Very nostalgic indeed. These photos were taken in 2015 during one of Accenture’s training there.

      I do have a class photo from 1999 though. I must say, I do miss St Charles..

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