Its my day 2 of my so called official training for Singapore Marathon. The target is 3.21km but i decided to be naughty and ran 10.06km. I think I should not be doing that as it will definitely affect my overall performance for the next 14 weeks to come!
Looking at the training schedule for Week 1, its looks extremely easy, just 2 days of 3.21km and 1 day of 4.83km (which is tomorrow). But, it won’t come easy the next week as I will be starting on Wednesday a 12.87km run! On a working day some more. That will easily take me about 1 hour 30 mins at my current pace. I do hope i can find that much of time on that day to complete the run! 1hr 30 mins on a working day on a fasting month would not be that easy, plus considering that next week will be another busy week for me 😀
Anyway, here is the chart for this week:
Tomorrow, my target is to follow exactly 4.83km, maybe just round it up to 5km. Then the rest of the time, i should be doing a little bit of weight, before heading for my rest day or easy day on Monday. The run for today is as follows:
Its another slow run, but if seriously, if i maintain a pace of 6mins 57seconds for 42.195, i should be looking at a full marathon run at 4 hours 55 mins, which is lower than my target which is 5hrs. But, since I am running on a treadmill, I should run 10% to 15% faster to cater for different terrains and weather. My target should be in the region of 6mins 30 seconds per km which will give a full run on 4 hours 34 mins.