For a long time, I have been very quiet in posting stuffs on my blogs. In fact, some of my friends mentioned that I have not been posting much of my photography work. The major reason behind that is the fact that I am shooting very much less than before. Obviously, I have been tight with a lot of things – especially work and my fitness routine.
Despite that, I still have a lot of photos that has not been processed. Some of them, I probably have forgotten it existed. Therefore, I am taking this new year (obviously Chinese New Year), to start posting one picture a day. At least start whacking out those picture off my storage, and share it with people. Not that I have a lot of followers to my blog though.
So, it has started since 31st January 2009, and now is 2nd February 2009. I have so far processed enough photos to last me till 5th February 2009 (set to auto posting using the future-date mechanism on wordpress). We shall see how long I will survive with this. I hope it will be long enough…..