Morning Walk with a Camera: Capturing the Merdeka 118

There’s something special about Sunday mornings. The city is quieter, and the air feels fresher. Today, I decided to combine my usual morning walk with a bit of photography. I’ve been trying to push myself to shoot more, and what better way than to bring my camera along?

As I strolled through the city, I came across this perfect composition featuring the Merdeka 118 and a train. The sky was clear, giving a stunning blue backdrop that made the tower’s glass exterior sparkle. The train at the bottom added a nice touch of urban life to the scene.

One thing I did notice was that the top of the pole got cropped off. It’s a small detail, but it’s one of those things that you only realize after you’ve taken the shot. I definitely need to come back with a wider lens to capture the entire structure properly. It’s these little lessons that make photography such a fun and never-ending journey of learning.

Reshooting this scene is now on my to-do list. I can’t wait to see how it will turn out with a bit more planning. For now, though, I’m pretty happy with how this shot turned out. It’s a great reminder of a peaceful Sunday morning and the joy of combining two passions: walking and photography.

What about you? Have you tried combining your hobbies in creative ways? Let me know in the comments below!

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