Relook: Day Off

In 2020, during my mandated leave, I had the opportunity to travel to Kuala Terengganu. As always, I brought my camera along to capture the beautiful moments and scenery. I enjoy documenting my travels, and this trip was no exception. I’ve shared this particular photo before, and you can see the original version below. While it holds sentimental value, I must admit that the initial processing didn’t turn out as well as I hoped. The image appears quite flat and lacks the vibrancy I aimed to achieve. Nevertheless, it serves as a reminder of my journey and the experiences I had in Kuala Terengganu. I’ll continue to refine my photography skills and work on improving my editing techniques to better convey the beauty of the places I visit.(Refer here for the post ).

Not great, not great at all. In fact I should not be posting this photo if its of this quality!

Here is my newly process version:

Much much better. Seriously 🙂

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