Rediscovering My Passion for Photography: A Journey Back to the Streets

Photography has always been a part of me, but life’s demands and changing interests have pulled me away from it. Lately, I’ve been feeling a strong desire to rekindle this passion. Here’s a look at my journey back into photography, the lessons I’ve learned, and how I’m planning to stay committed.

The Joy of Street Photography on Weekend Mornings

I remember those days vividly. Every Saturday and Sunday morning, I would grab my camera and head out for a few hours of street photography. There was something magical about the early hours, the city waking up, and capturing candid moments of everyday life. These outings were not just about taking pictures but also about experiencing the world from a different perspective.

Practice Over Equipment

In the beginning, my photos weren’t great. I didn’t have the best equipment, but I quickly learned that it didn’t matter. Photography is more about practice, seeing the world through a photographer’s eyes, and being in the right place at the right time. Over the years, as I practiced more, my skills improved, and I started to appreciate the nuances of light, composition, and timing.

The Shift to Rangefinder Cameras

When I moved to using a rangefinder camera, my approach to photography changed. I started taking fewer photos, but the quality of my work improved significantly. The rangefinder forced me to slow down, think more about each shot, and focus on the essentials of photography. It was a transformative experience that helped me grow as a photographer.

The Struggle with Laziness and Workload

As time went on, my enthusiasm began to wane. I found myself becoming lazy and less motivated to go out and shoot. My workload increased, leaving me exhausted on weekends. Photography became something I reserved for holidays, and my interest started to fade. The less I shot, the less I felt like shooting, creating a vicious cycle.

Reigniting the Passion

Despite the decline in my interest, I knew deep down that I wanted to get back into photography. Recently, I’ve been making a conscious effort to shoot more, even if it’s not as much as before. It’s a bit like working out; sometimes the hardest part is just showing up. But once I’m out there with my camera, I remember why I love it so much.

Committing to a Routine

To keep myself motivated, I’ve set a goal: take at least one good shot every weekend. It’s a small commitment, but it’s enough to keep me engaged. A good routine will help me maintain my passion and continue improving. Each outing is an opportunity to learn and grow, and I’m excited about the possibilities.

A Look Back at Kuala Lumpur

To wrap things up, here’s a nostalgic look at some of my favorite shots from Kuala Lumpur. Each photo tells a story of a time when photography was an integral part of my life. Revisiting these images reminds me of why I started and why it’s worth getting back into it.

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