Morning Street Photography at Pasar Datuk Keramat

This morning, I decided to head out for some street photography at Pasar Datuk Keramat, which is conveniently close to my parents’ house. I rolled out of bed at 6:30 am and managed to be out the door by 6:45 am.

I wasn’t entirely sure what I was looking to shoot, hoping to find some inspiration once I got there. Markets aren’t usually my thing since they tend to feel more like random snapshots than the composed shots I prefer. But I wanted to practice my composition skills because, well, composition is king.

The outing didn’t go perfectly, but I did manage to snag one decent shot. There was another moment I was waiting on, but after 10 minutes of waiting, nobody walked into the frame the way I wanted. I guess I’ll have to come back and try again.

I’m still getting the hang of my new camera, but so far, the results have been decent. The weather was pretty dull and cloudy, and I was a bit worried it might rain. So, the market seemed like a safe bet since it’s got some cover.

10 mins wait…. nobody.. 🙁

After a bit of shooting, I took a break for breakfast. I treated myself to a “Roti Boom” and a “kopi O kosong”—not the healthiest choice, but it was quick and tasty. Then, I headed back to my parents’ place to chill for a bit before figuring out my next move.

Overall, it wasn’t the most successful outing, but it was good practice. Street photography is all about the experience and learning from each shoot. I’ll be back out there soon, hopefully with better weather and a clearer idea of what I want to capture. Until then, I’ll keep working on my skills and enjoying the process.

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